Lebanon Businessnews News

Regulating crushers
Ministry of Environment issues conditions for obtaining stone crushers’ permits
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The Ministry of Environment issued a decision regulating the conditions for obtaining a license and operating primary stone crushers (without a quarry) in already existing construction sites.

According to the decision, applying for a license to operate a stone crusher requires presenting detailed documents on the location of the crusher, and its purpose. It also requires presenting a bill of quantity (BOQ), specifying the amount and destination of stones that need to be crushed.

The license requires presenting documents, including a topographic map of the site, and a technical report (specifying the characteristics of the products involved in the process).

The decision called for submitting a report on the environmental status of the area of the drilling site, including a satellite image for the site.  It also required submitting a feasibility study of the project.

The license is valid for five years.

The decision identified the conditions for operating primary stone crushers. It specified that the crusher, and all facilities operating at the location, should be sited at least six meters away from the borders of the property. Dust-producing facilities should be treated with dust removal systems.

The decision also said that workers at the site should be provided with safety equipment, like helmets, boots, and safety goggles. First aid facilities and fire extinguishers should be provided at the drilling site.

The decision specified that the stone crushers should be situated at least 500 meters away from residential areas, schools, hospitals, archaeological and cultural sites, natural reserves, and worship places. They should be at least 200 meters away from highways, 50 meters away from main roads, and at least 15 meters away from other roads.


Date Posted: Dec 02, 2011
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