Lebanon Businessnews News

Revival plan
launched by InfoPro
Calls for an economic revolution
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Download report: www.leadersclub.com.lb/revival

A plan launched by InfoPro is calling for out-of-the-box measures to revive the economy. The plan includes dozens of proposals that apply to most business sectors.

Proposing “extraordinary measures for an extraordinary situation,” the plan wants to be controversial, even provocative, in order to steer the debate from traditional thinking to dealing with the economic emergency that the now-resigned Cabinet had announced in September 2019.

This is a plan for an economic revolution. It is destined for decision-makers in politics should they want to listen to what the people have been demonstrating for,” said Ramzi El Hafez, Publisher at InfoPro.

The plan includes proposals for economic growth, monetary and fiscal issues, as well as proposals for each business sector in the local economy.

Based on hundreds of interviews made with business owners, and representative associations and syndicates, the plan has distilled, into actionable measures, proposals that aim to bring life back to the private sector.

“This is a draft that we are circulating for feedback,” said El Hafez. A final report will be launched again, once the feedback and comments of all stakeholders have been collected.

A series of consultative events will be undertaken by InfoPro to fine-tune the plan, and advocate its conclusions.

Date Posted: Dec 05, 2019
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