Lebanon Businessnews News

EDL boosts revenues in first half
Bassil: “Revenues would rise more in H2, 2010”
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The company’s H1-total revenues have grown by 14 percent or $43 million, and Bassil expected revenues to keep this upward trend over the second half of the year

“The $43 million-figure has broken all previous records. The measures we took are starting, thankfully, to pay off,” said Bassil.

As part of its plan to boost the number of subscribers in the power grid, the Ministry has taken a set of encouraging steps, including reducing registration fees, facilitating subscription conditions, reducing prices of counters, in addition to other measures.

The company was also able to collect a large number of unpaid bills from a large number of politicians and companies, after Bassil warned he would cut off power supply from those “influential people and figures” if they do not settle their dues to the company. 

The penetration rate in the power grid, has been positively impacted by those measures, with the number of subscribers rising by 66,000, the Minister said.

Bassil said EDL is expecting to deliver a large number of new counters starting next week, thus serving people in a better way. He said that the Ministry’s ultimate plan is to supply all Lebanese territories and homes with counters, cutting electricity theft to zero.

Date Posted: Jul 15, 2010
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